Digital Device Info

Parent Technology Media Information Consent forms
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Student Devices and Technology

Every student receives a digital device to compliment and enhance their learning.

  Resources are available at:
        OCPS Digital Learning Page
        Family Technology Handbook
        Digital Resource Parent Information


Signing In to Your Device 
Tips for Families

iPad Specific Information
Do not use your Apple ID on a school-issued iPad.  Doing so will disable OCPS from pushing necessary software updates and programs to the iPad.  To undo this will require the individual to call Apple Support.
Do not use the App Store on a school-issued device, even if it populates on the iPad.

To access the camera for Big Blue Button:
Step 1 - Ensure that you are logged in through Canvas Student iPad app (not the Classlink app).  Directions and guides for the Canvas Student iPad.
Step 2 - Conclude the conference and begin a new one.
Step 3 - Enter a Student Tech Request.

If you are unable to resolve the technical issue, please submit a Student Tech Request to  This will enable to county to track common issues and troubleshoot potential county-wide issues.  Do not email the teacher or other IES staff members as they are unable to complete tech requests. 
*Tech requests are serviced in the order in which they are received.  Please do not submit multiple tech requests for the same issue.  Should your tech request require additional information, you will be contacted by a member of the tech department.